Our Story

Meet Tracy, Josh, Calder, and Harmon.

We’ll often refer to Moose & Bee as a small family business, and in truth that couldn’t be more apt. Josh is the designer and craftsman, Tracy is tasked with all things marketing, and Harmon and Calder do an amazing job at comedic relief.

You could say our story began years before Moose & Bee came into fruition. While employed as a software engineer, Josh began woodworking as a creative outlet to create something tangible that people could enjoy. In the beginning his skill level could be best summarized by saying that he was very lucky his lovely wife was incredibly supportive, but as the years went on, not only did his skillset expand, but so did his appreciation for the craft.

The world has some amazing furniture makers, and an untold number of nights and weekends were spent detailing how these amazing craftsmen and craftswomen were able to transform lumber into a piece of functional art. This is where Moose & Bee really began, when Josh realized he didn’t just want to admire these makers, but he aspired to be one of them.

Our Promise

We believe in the importance of heirloom quality furniture. Pieces that have been passed down generations transcend their function, carrying with them our past memories of the people and places they were apart of.

For furniture to have that ability it must be well constructed with high grade materials, and that is the our promise to you. We will do everything we can to ensure you’ll love what we make, and that it can be loved for generations to come.